I’m an Associate Professor of Information Science in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University Bloomington. I’m also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Linguistics in the College of Arts & Sciences. Before coming to Indiana, I was a Neukom Fellow at the Neukom Institute for Computational Science and the Leslie Center for the Humanities at Dartmouth College.
My research explores the uses of statistics and machine learning in the study of very large text collections (of novels, academic journals, book reviews, newspapers, etc.). Much of my recent work falls under the heading of sociology of literature.
- 2023-08-01 Sabbatical leave during 2023 academic year.
- 2022-12-07 New paper in Journal of Computational Literary Studies: “Limericks and Computational Poetics: The Minimal Pairs Framework. Computational Challenges for Poetic Analysis and Synthesis” https://jcls.io/article/id/117/.
- 2022-06-22 New paper at JCDL 2022: “Reliable editions from unreliable components: estimating ebooks from print editions using profile hidden markov models” https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3529372.3533292. An extended version is available on arXiv, https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.01638.
- 2022-01-10 Open access version of Humanities Data Analysis: Case Studies with Python now available at https://www.humanitiesdataanalysis.org/.
- 2021-04-19 New paper with Haining Wang and Patrick Juola at EACL 2021: “Mode Effects’ Challenge to Authorship Attribution.” https://aclanthology.org/2021.eacl-main.97.pdf
Luddy Hall 2124
700 N. Woodlawn Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408
OpenPGP: FEAA4F98343949DB53A5D36333EB8C2BD301DE5C
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4967-0879